Is Dubai Safe to Live and Work?

  • May 21 2023
Is Dubai Safe to Live

We are all familiar with Dubai’s innovative way of life these days. A city that looks like it traveled a hundred years in a shorter period of time.  

A lot of people and foreign investors prefer to start their business in Dubai. But a question might cross their minds—is Dubai safe to live and work?

The detailed answer depends on multiple factors. However, Dubai is regarded as one of the safest cities in the world to live and work in. This is because, among other things, there is a skilled police force, modern facilities, and sturdy laws.  

Let’s discuss the answer more closely in this blog.

Overview of Dubai

city center skyline

There’s hardly a person who hasn’t heard about Dubai. The vibrant city of Dubai is located on the southeast coast of the Arabian Gulf and is well-known for its luxurious shopping, breathtaking architecture and energetic nightlife.  

A few of the city’s well-known buildings are Palm Jumeirah, Burj Khalifa, and the Dubai Fountain. That’s the reason why Dubai is so popular.  

Dubai preserves its origins in traditional Middle Eastern culture while providing residents and tourists with a unique blend of luxury, entertainment, and cultural experiences.  

Furthermore, Dubai’s economy is stable and driven by financial services, real estate and tourism.  

Therefore, the answer to the question, whether it is safe to live or not, is definitely YES!

Read also: 10 Reasons to Live in Dubai: It’s Not What You Think It Is!

Crime Rates and Law Enforcement

Is it safe to work in Dubai

We are all fugitives from crime.  

You will be pleased to hear that Dubai is considered one of the safest cities in the world because of its strong law enforcement and low crime rate.

In Dubai, criminal activities like drugs, violence and theft are taken very seriously. They are also subject to severe and strict regulations. As these offenses are so serious, they could possibly result in deportation.  

Dubai Police combat crimes with the newest tools and resources. Because of this, society always benefits from the actions of Dubai Police for maintaining stability and peace.

Safety Infrastructure and Services

The city’s fire fighting service is modern, fully equipped, and outfitted with hi-tech equipment and highly personnel who are prepared to act quickly and effectively in emergency situations.  

Dubai’s emergency medical services are also of the greatest standard, with a fleet of state-of-the-art ambulances and highly skilled paramedics who can provide individuals in need with rapid and efficient care. With modern roads, a dependable public transport system and strict traffic laws and regulations, Dubai is considered the paramount of safety.  

Also, Dubai’s civil defense agency is in charge of protecting the city against natural disasters. They regularly conduct drills and training sessions to get everyone ready for emergencies.

Cultural Considerations and Social Stability

1- Safe Neighborhoods and Residential Areas

Museum of the future

 Among the cities in the world, Dubai is regarded as a safe place to live and work. There are numerous areas, such as Mirdif, that are great for raising a family because of their extremely low crime rates.  

Dubai is well-liked by tourists and expats searching for a safe and secure place to live because of its residential areas and secure districts. Therefore, working in Dubai has no drawbacks.

2- Safety for Expatriates and Foreign Workers

It’s interesting to see that Dubai offers a number of initiatives to uphold the rights and welfare of its expatriates and foreign workers.  

Working in Dubai is totally safe provided that you are an expert. When you realize that Dubai has the best laws in the world, you won’t find any other place in the UAE more suitable to work.  

Laws, especially those related to labor law, are intended to prevent discrimination and unjust treatment of foreign workers. The city attracts immigrants because its rules are structured to place all social classes and nationalities under its jurisdiction.

3-  Sharia Law and Prohibitions

Sharia law is a major part of Dubai’s legal system and culture, and it is applied to both Muslims and non-Muslims.  

Sharia law forbids drinking alcohol, having adulterous relationships, and inappropriate public shows of affection. Violation of these laws could result in penalties, jail, or even deportation.  

Judges and courts with specific jurisdiction over business and financial matters are features of sharia law. Both visitors and locals must abide by these rules in order to avoid any legal consequences.  

The legal system of Dubai is capable of managing criminal and civil cases using Sharia law.

Tips for Staying Safe in Dubai

Dubai at sunrise

 In order to stay safe in Dubai, you must follow the following tips:

- Pay attention to local customs and laws, especially those pertaining to drug and alcohol usage.

- Refrain from showing off large quantities of cash or pricey jewelry in public.

- When a hotel safe is offered, use it to store your valuables, and make sure your apartment or hotel room is secure.

- Use ride-sharing or approved taxis when traveling within the city.

- Use caution when using ATMs, especially at night or in remote areas.

- Pay close attention to your belongings when in crowded areas like shopping malls or on public transportation.

- Dress modestly when you visit religious places or government organizations.

- Refrain from going out alone at night or to unknown or dubious locations.

Read more: A Guide to Tenants’ Rights in Dubai



How does Dubai Handle Emergencies and Natural Disasters?

 Bluewaters island and Ain Dubai ferris wheel

Dubai’s emergency management infrastructure includes the Dubai Police, Dubai Civil Defense and the Dubai Corporation for emergency services. The city has detailed strategies in place for dealing with disasters such as earthquakes, sandstorms and floods.

These plans encompass evacuation routes, shelters and necessary supplies to ensure safety during emergencies. This is particularly important when considering safety for women living in Dubai,especially if they are living alone.

What are the Safety Measures in Place for Public Transportation in Dubai?

When it comes to transportation in Dubai, strong safety measures are in place to enhance safety for both drivers and passengers using buses, trains and taxis. Security measures include the installation of CCTV cameras on vehicles, trained security officers monitoring the transit system, and security checks at stations.

Are there any areas or Neighborhoods in Dubai that should be Voided?

While no place can guarantee safety, neighborhoods in Dubai are generally considered secure. It's always wise to take precautions regarding location. For instance, areas like Deira—known for their nightlife—may appear accessible. That doesn't necessarily mean they are unsafe.

If you're considering living in Dubai and wondering about its safety, it's important to keep such things in mind. Visitors should be cautious in specific areas of Dubai. The authorities take necessary safety measures to ensure a safe and secure lifestyle.

How Safe are the Recreational Activities and Attractions in Dubai?

 luxury skyscrapers at sunrise

While tourists generally feel safe enjoying the attractions and leisure activities in Dubai, it's essential to follow safety guidelines. When participating in activities like air ballooning or skydiving, it's advisable to choose licensed professionals.  

Following beach safety rules is also crucial for a seamless experience. Theme parks and water parks in Dubai have safety protocols that visitors should adhere to for their safety.

Are there any Specific Safety Concerns for Families with Children in Dubai?

Families with children visiting Dubai need to be mindful of safety considerations, such as ensuring sun protection due to the country’s high temperatures and observing water safety measures during aquatic sports.  

It's important for kids to be supervised by adults at all times and stay aware of their surroundings. Taking precautions against dehydration and heat exhaustion is critical during the summer months.

What Safety Precautions should be taken during Extreme Weather Conditions in Dubai?

It's advisable to stay indoors, secure all windows and doors, dress appropriately and stay hydrated to ensure safety amidst Dubai’s weather. This may be sandstorms, high winds or high temperatures.  

Following the guidelines by authorities and staying updated on the weather forecast are essential for safeguarding yourself. For individuals working in Dubai who are accustomed to colder climates, they may face a lot of challenges.

How does Dubai ensure the Safety and Security of its Residents and Tourists during Major Events or Festivals?

Dubai employs measures like a sizable presence of security personnel, surveillance and monitoring through a network of surveillance cameras, bag checks, and metal detectors at entrances, and emergency response plans to ensure the safety and security of its citizens and visitors during major events and festivals. Authorities also collaborate closely with event planners to guarantee that safety procedures are implemented and enforced.

Is Dubai a Good Country to Live and Work in?

Many people find Dubai to be an ideal destination due to factors such as tax earnings, a high standard of living, modern infrastructure, excellent healthcare and education facilities as well as its diverse population. However, those with a Middle Eastern lifestyle need to consider the high cost of living and potential cultural adjustments.

Is Moving to Dubai a Good Idea?

Dubai skyline at dusk

The pros and cons of moving to Dubai vary based on circumstances and preferences. Dubai offers a range of advantages, such as its population, modern infrastructure and no income taxes. However, there are also challenges to consider like the cost of living, strict regulations and cultural differences.

Before making the decision to move to Dubai, it's important to consider factors such as job opportunities, living expenses, housing options and lifestyle preferences. It's also wise to conduct research and seek advice from experienced individuals or those who currently reside in Dubai.

Is Dubai Safer Than America?

Comparing the safety of Dubai and America is complex due to the difference in crime rates and safety issues. Dubai is generally viewed as a city with low crime rates and a strong emphasis on public safety by authorities.  

However, it's crucial to acknowledge that no place is entirely free from crime. Therefore, both tourists and residents should exercise caution to avoid becoming victims of crime. On the other hand, America has its set of challenges, including gun violence issues and higher crime rates in certain areas.

Is tap water safe to drink in Dubai?

While it's commonly considered okay to drink tap water in Dubai, it's advisable to opt for filtered water to reduce any health risks. Many people in Dubai prefer purchasing mineral water. Similarly, households often use water filtration systems.

How safe is Dubai at Night?

Generally, Dubai is perceived as a safe city after dusk, with authorities prioritizing safety. It is totally safe for women to live in Dubai. It’s also essential to take necessary precautions. Avoid walking in less lit or secluded areas. It's wise to stay in lit and populated areas and use authorized taxis or ride-sharing services when out at night. Being aware of your surroundings and taking safety measures are key to avoiding becoming a victim of crime, as is the case in any city.

Read also: Tips for Renting an Apartment in the UAE

Final Word

So, we can proudly say that Dubai is safe to live and work, as it is known for its safety and low crime rates, with authorities emphasizing safety.  

The safety services and infrastructure in the city are well established with a police department that responds to emergencies and enforces the law.  

Like any urban city, there are potential hazards and safety issues that both locals and tourists should be mindful of and take precautions to mitigate.  

It's essential to understand Dubai’s laws, cultural norms and traditions while making the most of your time safely and securely by staying informed about safety concerns and taking steps.

If you're looking into real estate opportunities in Dubai, feel free to get in touch with Al Majid Property Co. LLC. Our professionals are ready to provide you with a consultation and support for renting properties in Dubai.